巴利律藏 227 条戒律—佛教正法的命脉(2)
2014/9/3   热度:306
69. Should any bhikkhu knowingly consort, join in communion, or lie down in the same lodging with a bhikkhu professing such a view who has not acted in compliance with the rule, who has not abandoned that view, it is to be confessed. 1. A verdict "in the presence of" should be given. This means that the formal act settling the issue must be carried out in the presence of the Community, in the presence of the individuals, and in the presence of the Dhamma and Vinaya. 2. A verdict of mindfulness may be given. This is the verdict of innocence given in an accusation, based on the fact that the accused remembers fully that he did not commit the offense in question. 3. A verdict of past insanity may be given. This is another verdict of innocence given in an accusation, based on the fact that the accused was out of his mind when he committed the offense in question and so is absolved of any responsibility for it. 4. Acting in accordance with what is admitted. This refers to the ordinary confession of offenses, where no formal interrogation is involved. The confession is valid only if in accord with the facts, e.g.,a bhikkhu actually commits a pacittiya offense and then confesses it as such, and not as a stronger or lesser offense. If he were to confess it as a dukkata or a sanghadisesa, that would be invalid. 5. Acting in accordance with the majority. This refers to cases in which bhikkhus are unable to settle a dispute unanimously, even after all the proper procedures are followed, and -- in the words of the Canon -- are "wounding one another with weapons of the tongue." In cases such as these, decisions can be made by majority vote. 6. Acting in accordance with the accused's further misconduct. This refers to cases where a bhikkhu admits to having committed the offense in question only after being formally interrogated about it. He is then to be reproved for his actions, made to remember the offense and to confess it, after which the Community carries out a formal act of "further misconduct" against him as an added punishment for being so uncooperative as to require the formal interrogation in the first place. 7. Covering over as with grass. This refers to situations in which both sides of a dispute realize that, in the course of their dispute, they have done much that is unworthy of a contemplative. If they were to deal with one another for their offenses, the only result would be greater divisiveness. Thus if both sides agree, all the bhikkhus gather in one place. (According to the Commentary, this means that all bhikkhus in the sima must attend. No one should send his consent, and even sick bhikkhus must go.) A motion is made to the entire group that this procedure will be followed. One member of each side then makes a formal motion to the members of his faction that he will make a confession for them. When both sides are ready, the representative of each side addresses the entire group and makes the blanket confession, using the form of a motion and one announcement ( natti-dutiya-kamma )。
69. 任何比丘在知道的情况下和一个观念不正确而未摒弃那观念的比丘结伴,同伙,或住在同一房舍里,犯 Pacittiya.
70. And if a novice should say the following: "As I understand the Dhamma taught by the Blessed One, those acts the Blessed One says are obstructive for me when indulged in, are not genuine obstructions," the bhikkhus should admonish him thus: "Do not say that, friend novice. Do not misrepresent the Blessed One, for it is not good to misrepresent the Blessed One. The Blessed One would not say anything like that. In many ways, friend, the Blessed One has described obstructive acts, and when indulged in they are genuine obstructions."
And should that novice, thus admonished by the bhikkhus, persist as before, the bhikkhus should admonish him as follows: "From this day forth, friend novice, you are not to claim the Blessed One as your teacher, nor are you even to have the opportunity the other novices get -- that of sharing lodgings two or three nights with the bhikkhus. Away with you! Out of our sight! (literally, 'Get lost!')"
Should any bhikkhu knowingly support, receive services from, consort with, or lie down in the same lodging with a novice thus expelled, it is to be confessed.
70. 任何见习比丘误解佛法而被训诫三次仍不改,而任何比丘在知道的情况下支持那见习比丘,接受服务,与其结伴,或住在同一房舍里犯 Pacittiya.
第八章: 戒律
71. Should any bhikkhu, admonished by the bhikkhus in accordance with a rule, say, "Friends, I will not train myself under this training rule until I have put questions about it to another bhikkhu, experienced and learned in the discipline," it is to be confessed. Bhikkhus, (a training rule) is to be understood, is to be asked about, is to be pondered. This is the proper course here.
71. 任何比丘被依法训诫后,如不依法,犯 Pacittiya.
72. Should any bhikkhu, when the Patimokkha is being repeated, say, "Why are these lesser and minor training rules repeated when they lead only to anxiety, bother and confusion?" the criticism of the training rules is to be confessed.
72. 任何比丘,当律藏被重述时,批评较不重要和较低的戒律时,犯 Pacittiya.
73. Should any bhikkhu, when the Patimokkha is being recited every half-month, say, "Just now have I heard that this case, too, is handed down in the Patimokkha, is included in the Patimokkha, and comes up for recitation every half-month;" and if other bhikkhus should know, "That bhikkhu has already sat through two or three recitations of the Patimokkha, if not more," the bhikkhu is not exempted for being ignorant. Whatever the offense he has committed, he is to be dealt with in accordance with the rule; and in addition, his deception is to be exposed: "It is no gain for you, friend, it is ill-done, that when the Patimokkha is being recited, you do not pay proper attention and take it to heart." Here the deception is to be confessed.
73. 任何比丘,当律藏被重述时,提出意见 (如律藏不全),而却不实,犯 Pacittiya.
74. Should any bhikkhu, angered and displeased, give a blow to (another) bhikkhu, it is to be confessed.
74. 任何比丘因生气和不满重击另一比丘,犯 Pacittiya.
75. Should any bhikkhu, angered and displeased, raise his hand against (another) bhikkhu, it is to be confessed.
75. 任何比丘因生气和不满升起手攻击另一比丘,犯 Pacittiya.
76. Should any bhikkhu charge a bhikkhu with an unfounded sanghadisesa (offense),it is to be confessed.
76. 任何比丘无凭证的指责另一比丘犯 Sanghadisesa, 犯 Pacittiya.
77. Should any bhikkhu purposefully provoke anxiety in (another) bhikkhu, (thinking,) "This way, even for just a moment, he will have no peace" -- if doing it for just this reason and no other -- it is to be confessed.
77. 任何比丘恶意的使另一比丘忧虑,心想,「这样他就没有平静」 -- 如果只为此而作 -- 犯 Pacittiya.
78. Should any bhikkhu stand eavesdropping on bhikkhus when they are arguing, quarreling, and disputing, thinking, "I will overhear what they say" -- if doing it for just this reason and no other -- it is to be confessed.
78. 任何比丘窃听其它比丘讨论,争论,辩论,心想,「我会无意间听到他们,」 如果只为此而作 -- 犯 Pacittiya.
79. Should any bhikkhu, having given consent (by proxy) to a formal act carried out in accordance with the rule, later complain (about the act),it is to be confessed.
79. 任何比丘接受了依法而行动作后,之后抱怨,犯 Pacittiya.
80. Should any bhikkhu, when deliberation is being carried on in the Community, get up from his seat and leave without having given consent, it is to be confessed.
80. 任何比丘,当僧团在进行仪式时,从他座起未被允许而离开,犯 Pacittiya.
81. Should any bhikkhu, (acting as part of) a Community in concord, give robe-cloth (to an individual bhikkhu) and later complain, "The bhikkhus apportion the Community's gains according to friendship," it is to be confessed.
81. 任何比丘给予另一比丘僧袍,之后抱怨,「比丘们依朋友关系分摊利益,」 犯 Pacittiya.
82. Should any bhikkhu knowingly divert to an individual gains that had been allocated for the Community, it is to be confessed.
82. 任何比丘在知道的情况下将给僧团的利益转为给一个人的,犯 Pacittiya.
第九章: 宝藏
83. Should any bhikkhu, without being previously announced, cross the threshold of a consecrated noble king's (sleeping chamber) from which the king has not left, from which the treasure (the queen) has not withdrawn, it is to be confessed.
83. 任何比丘,未经通告,经过一个崇高的国王的寝室,而国王和王后还未离开,犯 Pacittiya.
84. Should any bhikkhu pick up or have (someone) pick up a valuable or what is considered a valuable, except within a monastery or within a dwelling, it is to be confessed. But when a bhikkhu has picked up or had (someone) pick up a valuable or what is considered a valuable (left) in a monastery or in a dwelling, he is to keep it, (thinking,) "Whoever it belongs to will (come and) fetch it." This is the proper course here.
84. 任何比丘拣起或使人拣起一样贵重物品或被认为是贵重物品的东西时,除非是在僧道院和屋子里 (他拣起后想他人来认领),犯 Pacittiya.
85. Should any bhikkhu, without taking leave of an available bhikkhu, enter a village at the wrong time -- unless there is a suitable emergency -- it is to be confessed.
85. 任何比丘在没告知一位比丘的情况下在不当的时间进入村庄 -- 除非是适当的紧急事故 --- 犯 Pacittiya.
86. Should any bhikkhu have a needle case made of bone, ivory, or horn, it is to be broken and confessed.
86. 任何比丘用骨头, 牙,或角作针,针必须被打碎和犯 Pacittiya.
87. When a bhikkhu is making a new bed or bench, it is to have legs (at most) eight fingerbreadths long -- using Sugata fingerbreadths -- not counting the lower edge of the frame. In excess of that it is to be cut down and confessed.
87. 当比丘在做一张床或板凳时,须依律藏规定,不然犯 Pacittiya.
88. Should any bhikkhu have a bed or bench upholstered, it (the upholstery) is to be torn off and confessed.
88. 任何比丘在床或板凳上装垫子,垫子须被拆下和犯 Pacittiya.
89. When a bhikkhu is making a sitting cloth, it is to be made to the standard measurement. Here the standard is this: two spans -- using the Sugata span -- in length, 1 1/2 in width, the border a span. In excess of that, it is to be cut down and confessed.
89. 当比丘在做一张坐布时,须依律藏规定,不然犯 Pacittiya.
90. When a bhikkhu is making a skin-eruption covering cloth, it is to be made to the standard measurement. Here the standard is this: four spans -- using the Sugata span -- in length, two spans in width. In excess of that, it is to be cut down and confessed.
90. 当比丘在做一张出疹子要盖的布时,须依律藏规定,不然犯 Pacittiya.
91. When a bhikkhu is making a rains-bathing cloth, it is to be made to the standard measurement. Here the standard is this: six spans -- using the Sugata span -- in length, 2 1/2 in width. In excess of that, it is to be cut down and confessed.
91. 当比丘在做一张雨季沐浴要用的布时,须依律藏规定,不然犯 Pacittiya.
92. Should any bhikkhu have a robe made the size of the Sugata robe or larger, it is to be cut down and confessed. Here, the size of the Sugata robe is this: nine spans -- using the Sugata span -- in length, six spans in width. This is the size of the Sugata's Sugata robe.
92. 任何比丘不照律藏的规格作僧袍,僧袍须被剪掉和犯 Pacittiya.
四波罗提提舍尼(Patidesaniya )
1. Should any bhikkhu chew or consume staple or non-staple food, having received it himself from the hand of an unrelated bhikkhuni in an inhabited area, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it."
1. 任何比丘在有人住的地方从和他无 (血缘) 关系的比丘尼手中接受食物并进食,犯 Patidesanja.
2. In case bhikkhus, being invited, are eating in family homes, and if a bhikkhuni is standing there as though giving directions, (saying,) "Give curry here, give rice here," then the bhikkhus are to dismiss her: "Go away, sister, while the bhikkhus are eating." If not one of the bhikkhus should speak to dismiss her, "Go away, sister, while the bhikkhus are eating," the bhikkhus are to acknowledge it: "Friends, we have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. We acknowledge it."
2. 如果比丘被邀请到他人家里用餐,而如果有位比丘尼站在那里给予指示,如 「那里给饭,那里给菜,」 比丘必须叫她离去,如果没有任何一位比丘叫她离去,犯 Patidesanja.
3. There are families designated as in training. Should any bhikkhu, not being ill, uninvited beforehand, chew or consume staple or non-staple food, having received it himself at the homes of families designated as in training, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it."
3. 有些家庭是被指派为修行的。如果任何比丘,无病,没被遥请,从这些家庭接受食物并进食,则犯 Patidesanja.
4. There are wilderness abodes that are dubious and risky. Should any bhikkhu, not being ill, living in such abodes, chew or consume unannounced (gifts of) staple or non-staple food, having received them himself in the abode, he is to acknowledge it: "Friends, I have committed a blameworthy, unsuitable act that ought to be acknowledged. I acknowledge it."
4. 有些郊外地区是可疑和危险的。如果任何比丘,无病,住在这种地方,在那里吃未被通告的食物,则犯 Patidesanja.
第一章: 二十六条适当的行为
1. I will wear the lower robe [upper robe] wrapped around (me): a training to be observed.
1. 我会将下僧袍围绕 (穿) 在我身上。Sekhiya.
2. I will wear the upper robe wrapped around (me): a training to be observed.
2. 我会将 上僧袍]围绕 (穿) 在我身上。Sekhiya.
3. I will go well-covered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
3. 我将包覆整齐而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
4. I will sit well-covered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
4. 我将包覆整齐而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
5. I will go well-restrained in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
5. 我将端正威仪而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
6. I will sit well-restrained in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
6. 我将端正威仪而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
7. I will go with eyes lowered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
7. 我将垂目而视而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
8. I will sit with eyes lowered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
8. 我将垂目而视而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
9. I will not go with robes hitched up in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
9. 我将不拉高衣而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
10. I will not sit with robes hitched up in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
10. 我将不拉高衣而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
11. I will not go laughing loudly in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
11. 我将不高声嬉笑而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
12. I will not sit laughing loudly in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
12. 我将不高声嬉笑而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
13. I will go (speaking) with a lowered voice in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
13. 我将低声而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
14. I will go sit (speaking) with a lowered voice in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
14. 我将低声而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
15. I will not go swinging the body in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
15. 我将不摇晃身体而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
16. I will not sit swinging the body in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
16. 我将不摇晃身体而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
17. I will not go swinging the arms in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
17. 我将不摇摆手臂而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
18. I will not sit swinging the arms in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
18. 我将不摇摆手臂而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
19. I will not go swinging the head in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
19. 我将不摇晃头部而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
20. I will not sit swinging the head in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
20. 我将不摇晃头部而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
21. I will not go with arms akimbo in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
21. 我将不叉腰而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
22. I will not sit with arms akimbo in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
22. 我将不叉腰而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
23. I will not go with my head covered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
23. 我将不包覆头部而前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
24. I will not sit with my head covered in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
24. 我将不包覆头部而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
25. I will not go tiptoeing or walking just on the heels in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
25. 我去到有人住的地方不会只用脚尖或脚背前往俗人家。Sekhiya.
26. I will not sit holding up the knees in inhabited areas: a training to be observed.
26. 我将不以手抱膝(散乱姿态)而坐在俗人家。Sekhiya.
第二章: 三十条关于食物
27. I will receive almsfood appreciatively: a training to be observed.
27. 我会感激的接受食物。Sekhiya.
28. I will receive almsfood with attention focused on the bowl: a training to be observed.
28. 我接受食物时会将注意力放在钵上。Sekhiya.
29. I will receive almsfood with bean curry in proper proportion: a training to be observed.
29. 我接受食物时会适量的接受豆子咖喱。Sekhiya.
30. I will receive almsfood level with the edge (of the bowl): a training to be observed.
30. 我接受食物时,食物不超过钵边。Sekhiya.
31. I will eat almsfood appreciatively: a training to be observed.
31. 我会感激的进食。Sekhiya.
32. I will eat almsfood with attention focused on the bowl: a training to be observed.
32. 我进食时会将注意力放在钵上。Sekhiya.
33. I will eat almsfood methodically: a training to be observed.
33. 我会有规律的进食。Sekhiya.
34. I will eat almsfood with bean curry in proper proportion: a training to be observed.
34. 我进食时会适量的食用豆子咖喱。Sekhiya.
35. I will not eat almsfood taking mouthfuls from a heap: a training to be observed.
35. 我进食时会从食物的旁边开始用起。Sekhiya.
36. I will not hide bean curry and foods with rice out of a desire to get more: a training to be observed.
36. 我不会为了要更多的食物而隐藏食物。Sekhiya.
37. Not being ill, I will not eat rice or bean curry that I have requested for my own sake: a training to be observed.
37. 我无病时,我不会吃我为我自己要求而来的饭或豆子咖喱。Sekhiya.
38. I will not look at another's bowl intent on finding fault: a training to be observed.
38. 我不会意图找错误而盯着别人的钵。Sekhiya.
39. I will not take an extra-large mouthful: a training to be observed.
39. 我不会太大口的进食。Sekhiya.
40. I will make a rounded mouthful: a training to be observed.
40. 我会放适量的食物在口中进食。Sekhiya.
41. I will not open the mouth when the mouthful has yet to be brought to it: a training to be observed.
41. 我不会进食时张口。Sekhiya.
42. I will not put the whole hand into the mouth while eating: a training to be observed.
42. 我进食时不会把手放进嘴里。Sekhiya.
43. I will not speak with the mouth full of food: a training to be observed.
43. 我嘴里有食物时不会说话。Sekhiya.
44. I will not eat from lifted balls of food: a training to be observed.
44. 我不会用一只手拿食物和用另一只手进食 (从拿食物的那只手拿起食物来吃)。Sekhiya.
45. I will not eat nibbling at mouthfuls of food: a training to be observed.
45. 我不会一口一口的吃一件食物 (水果等等除外)。Sekhiya.
46. I will not eat stuffing out the cheeks: a training to be observed.
46. 我不会狼吞虎咽的进食。Sekhiya.
47. I will not eat shaking (food off) the hand: a training to be observed.
47. 我进食时不会用手甩掉食物。Sekhiya.
48. I will not eat scattering rice about: a training to be observed.
48. 我进食时不会撒落饭粒。Sekhiya.
49. I will not eat sticking out the tongue: a training to be observed.
49. 我进食时不会把舍头伸出来。Sekhiya.
50. I will not eat smacking the lips: a training to be observed.
50. 我进食时不会把嘴唇互击出来。Sekhiya.
51. I will not eat making a slurping noise: a training to be observed.
51. 我进食时不会发出噪音。Sekhiya.
52. I will not eat licking the hands: a training to be observed.
52. 我进食时不会舔我的手。Sekhiya.
53. I will not eat licking the bowl: a training to be observed.
53. 我进食时不会舔我的钵。Sekhiya.
54. I will not eat licking the lips: a training to be observed.
54. 我进食时不会舔我的嘴唇。Sekhiya.
55. I will not accept a water vessel with a hand soiled by food: a training to be observed.
55. 我手被食物弄脏时不会接过杯子。Sekhiya.
56. I will not, in an inhabited area, throw away bowl-rinsing water that has grains of rice in it: a training to be observed.
56. 我在有人住的地方不会洒清理钵的水 (有饭粒在里面)。Sekhiya.
第三章: 十六条关于说法
57. I will not teach Dhamma to a person with an umbrella in his hand and who is not ill: a training to be observed.
57. 我不会对一位无病且手中拿着雨伞的人说法。Sekhiya.
58. I will not teach Dhamma to a person with a staff in his hand and who is not ill: a training to be observed.
58. 我不会对一位无病且手中拿着拐杖的人说法。Sekhiya.
59. I will not teach Dhamma to a person with a knife in his hand and who is not ill: a training to be observed.
59. 我不会对一位无病且手中拿着刀的人说法。Sekhiya.
60. I will not teach Dhamma to a person with a weapon in his hand and who is not ill: a training to be observed.
60. 我不会对一位无病且手中拿着武器的人说法。Sekhiya.
61. [62] I will not teach Dhamma to a person wearing non-leather [leather] footwear who is not ill: a training to be observed.
61. [62] 我不会对一位无病且脚穿着皮 [非皮] 鞋的人说法。Sekhiya.
63. I will not teach Dhamma to a person in a vehicle and who is not ill: a training to be observed.
63. 我不会对一位无病且在车上的人说法。Sekhiya.
64. I will not teach Dhamma to a person lying down who is not ill: a training to be observed.
64. 我不会对一位无病且躺着的人说法。Sekhiya.
65. I will not teach Dhamma to a person who sits holding up his knees and who is not ill: a training to be observed.
65. 我不会对一位无病且坐着抱着膝盖的人说法。Sekhiya.
66. I will not teach Dhamma to a person wearing headgear who is not ill: a training to be observed.
66. 我不会对一位无病且戴着头饰的人说法。Sekhiya.
67. I will not teach Dhamma to a person whose head is covered (with a robe or scarf) and who is not ill: a training to be observed.
67. 我不会对一位无病且头盖着袍或丝巾的人说法。Sekhiya.
68. Sitting on the ground, I will not teach Dhamma to a person sitting on a seat who is not ill: a training to be observed.
68. 我 (坐在地上) 不会对一位无病且坐在座位上的人说法。Sekhiya.
69. Sitting on a low seat, I will not teach Dhamma to a person sitting on a high seat who is not ill: a training to be observed.
69. 坐在低的座位,我不会对一位无病且坐在高的座位上的人说法。Sekhiya.
70. Standing, I will not teach Dhamma to a person sitting who is not ill: a training to be observed.
70. 我 (站着) 不会对一位无病且坐着的人说法。Sekhiya.
71. Walking behind, I will not teach Dhamma to a person walking ahead who is not ill: a training to be observed.
71. 我 (走在后面) 不会对一位无病且走在前面的人说法。Sekhiya.
72. Walking beside a path, I will not teach Dhamma to a person walking on the path and who is not ill: a training to be observed.
72. 我 (走在道路旁) 不会对一位无病且走在道路上的人说法。Sekhiya.
第四章: 三条各样的规定
73. Not being ill, I will not defecate or urinate while standing: a training to be observed.
73. 我无病时不会站着大便或小便。Sekhiya.
74. Not being ill, I will not defecate, urinate, or spit on living crops: a training to be observed.
74. 我无病时不会站着大便,小便,或吐口水在有人栽种的植物上。Sekhiya.
75. Not being ill, I will not defecate, urinate, or spit in water: a training to be observed.
75. 我无病时不会站着大便,小便,或吐口水在下面有土的水里。Sekhiya.
1. 必须有僧团的判决,当事人须在场,经法和律藏须在场。Adhikarana-Samatha.
2. 可用专心的判决来解决 (被无辜控告)。Adhikarana-Samatha.
3. 可用过去的疯狂行为来判决解决 (被无辜控告,当时是不用心,无心的)。Adhikarana-Samatha.
4. 和被允许的作为相符 (如犯 Pacittiya 只需告白,而如果是 Sanghadisesa 在此则不能用)。Adhikarana-Samatha.
5. 以多数表决。Adhikarana-Samatha.
6. 若比丘一直到僧团集合才承认错误,僧团以 「更多行为不端」 表决 (因之前不合作和不承认)。Adhikarana-Samatha.
7. 两边皆发现争论只会造成分离,并用仪式告白解决。Adhikarana-Samatha.