念佛四十八法:14) 忙中持名

2014/9/4    热度:223   

念佛四十八法:14) 忙中持名


  14) 忙中持名

  Buddha Recitation While Otherwise Occupied

  [In the midst of a busy life], if you can recite the Buddha’s name once, recite it once; if you can recite it ten times, recite it ten times. In the midst of endless activities, if you have but one moment of leisure, you need only let go of everything and recite the Buddha’s name clearly and distinctly.

  The famous Chinese poet Su Tung-p’o wrote the fo lowing verse: Recite the Buddha’s name while walking;

  Recite the Buddha’s name while seated. Even when busy as an arrow,

  Always recite the Buddha’s name.

  The ancients practiced Buddha Recitation with such eagerness indeed! Truly, they should be emulated.

  能一句则一句,能十句则十句,但使百忙中,得片刻之暇,便可放下身心,朗然持 诵。白乐天诗曰:行也阿弥陀,坐也阿弥陀,假饶忙似箭,不离阿弥陀。古人之用 心,亦可见矣!


  There are people who are so busy with daily occupations that they can scarcely find time to recite the Buddha’s name. Nevertheless, amidst a hundred different activities, there must be one or two moments of free time. During these moments, we should immediately begin to recite the Buddha’s name, rather than letting the mind wander aimlessly, [reminiscing] and suffering needlessly. Handle the affairs of this world as they come and let go of them afterward. Why harp on them and be disturbed? Why not use the time to recite the Buddha’s name and keep the m ind at rest? Many people waste endless hours in idle chatter, bringing countless troubles and vexations upon themselves. Sometimes, a few sentences uttered thoughtlessly in pleasant conversation are enough to cause worry and affliction, suffering and tears!


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