念佛四十八法:40) 孤身持名

2014/9/4    热度:325   

念佛四十八法:40) 孤身持名


  40) 孤身持名

  Reciting the Buddha’s Name in Isolation

  When cultivating, a Bhiksu/Bhiksuni does not require the presence of fe low- cultivators. The more isolated his place of practice the better! He may recite in either a loud or a low voice, as he pleases, slowly and deliberately, or with utterances fo lowing one another in rapid succession. The only important condition is to achieve singlemindedness. He should tell himself “my body is alone but my m ind is not, because the Mind of Amitabha Buddha and of all the Buddhas has never left me, even momentarily. The Buddhas know immediately what is going through my mind. If I give rise to even a single thought, the Buddhas know it. How can I be isolated?”

  If you have questions about the Pure Land method, you should consult Pure Land sutras and treatises for clarification. There are many such sutras and commentaries, such as the Shorter Amitabha Sutra, the Longer Amitabha Sutra, the Meditation Sutra. Patriarch Chih-i’s Treatise on Ten Doubts about the Pure Land. Master T’ien Ju’s Doubts and Questions about Pure Land, etc.(24) I am merely covering a few easily understood Pure Land teachings in this book. There are many more interesting teachings to be found throughout the above-mentioned books. Furthermore, you should also try to study at the feet of masters who understand the Pure Land method in depth.

  比丘修道,不求伴侣,念佛之境,孤寂最佳,高低有宜,缓急随分,打成一片,正在 此时,当知身孤而心不孤也,诸佛及弥陀之心,未尝暂舍乎我,举意佛知,开口佛 闻,何忧孤寂乎?若净土法门,未能了了,须多购净土书读之,如弥陀经、观经、智 者大师十疑论、天如则禅师净土或问、大佑禅师净土指归、龙舒净土文、净土晨钟、 西方公据、西方确指、云栖法汇、弥陀疏钞等书,宜勤披阅,此姑举明白易晓者言 之,此外尚有举不胜举也。(请参阅广慈法师编印之净土宗法宝大藏全书五十巨册) 或访通晓净土者叩问之。


  Cultivators need to practice in a quiet, out-of-the-way area, in order to keep the m ind focused. This is particularly the case in Pure Land Buddhism, because without one-pointedness of mind, it is impossible to achieve rebirth in the Pure Land. To achieve this one-pointedness of mind, we should, first of all, look for a quiet place to

  settle our m ind and thoughts. (When the surface of the lake is calm, the myriad stars

  will be reflected in it. There is no better way to keep the waters calm than to stop the wind.) When we have penetrated the still nature of the Self-Mind, we have become one with the Dharma Body of the Buddhas. At that time, not only does our own wisdom-light emerge, it is also merged with the countless wisdom-lights of the Buddhas of the Ten Directions. How can our light be ca led isolated?

  The only thing to worry about is our delusions, lack of understanding and endless competing in the arena of the mundane and the vulgar. When the time comes to leave our bodies, we will, like a shadow, enter the Avici hells alone, isolated and orphaned!


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