念佛四十八法:31) 镜中持名

2014/9/4    热度:219   

念佛四十八法:31) 镜中持名


  31) 镜中持名

  Recitation in the Nature of the Self-Mind

  As the sound of the Self-Mind surrounds you and the light of the Self-Mind shines upon you, the Mind-Nature naturally reveals itself. This True M ind is like a huge, round, bright mirror that nothing can obstruct. The Ten Directions, the Three Periods of Time, our-selves, the Buddhas and sentient beings, the cycle of suffering in the

  impure world, the lotus seat in the Pure Land – all are but images in the mirror. Thus, to recite aloud is to recite in the light, to recite in the mirror; it is neither the same nor different. This is the ultimate auspicious realm, completely free of the deluded mind. You should strive with all your might to attain it.

  心声旋绕,心光焕发,心体自然披露矣!夫此一真心,如大圆镜,洞达无遮,十方三 世我佛众生、浊世苦轮、净邦莲萼,皆镜中影也。声中即是光中,光中即是镜中,此 是最胜境,能永灭心垢,宜加意勤习之。


  The Mind-Nature is intrinsica ly ever pure (silent and still), but its manifestations are manifold (reflecting and shining). Once we realize that the totality of these manifestations are not separate from the unchanging Self-Nature, then Mind,

  Buddhas and sentient beings, intrinsically one, become empty, bright and unimpeded. Anyone who can practice Buddha Recitation to that level, must have exceptionally wholesome roots. The myriad phenomena are but images in the mirror, intrinsically non-existent, born and disappearing through causes and conditions. What influence can they have on the unchanging, unborn and undying nature of the True Mind? To internalize this truth is to escape the restrictive perimeters of space and time.


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