念佛四十八法:20) 喜庆持名
2014/9/4   热度:211
念佛四十八法:20) 喜庆持名 20) 喜庆持名 Reciting the Buddha’s Name When Happy Happiness derives either from our interaction with other human beings or from favorable events. Although the causes may be trivial, this kind of happiness is part of the human condition. You should realize, however, that such happiness is ephemeral – it is false, not true. Use those moments of happiness to “return the lig ht inward” and recite the Buddha’s name. You should then avail yourself of the Buddha’s light and within the context of those joyful events, abandon your negative thoughts to cultivate good deeds continuously for the rest of your life. You will then surely be reborn in the Pure Land, a great happiness indeed! 或因人而喜,或因事而庆,虽细小之端,皆人生乐境也。当知此乐虚幻,不能久常, 乘此好时,回光念佛,则仗佛光明,于顺境去多少恶念,吉祥连绵,如意修行,直至 命终,往生极乐不亦大快也哉! Commentary During our lifetime, we experience few moments of happiness but many of suffering. Even when we are happy, that happiness is ephemeral, lasting but a moment and then giv ing way to the numerous sufferings which torment sentient beings. Therefore, what is enduring about that happiness, that should make us proud, grasping and clinging to it? What should really make us happy is the pure joy of the Self-Mind, which is true and everlasting. The Pure Land of Amitabha awaits the pure in Mind. Rebirth in that realm is indeed the ultimate joy.